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About the Akiyama Life Science Foundation

About the Akiyama Life Science Foundation

Message from the Chairperson

The Akiyama Life Science Foundation was founded in 1987 as part of Akiyama Aiseikan Co., Ltd. Pharmaceutical Wholesalers in Japan, as its 100th anniversary celebration by contribution of 200 million yen of the late Kiyo Akiyama, the 4th CEO. Since its creation, the foundation received donations from many enterprises and private donors. The basic funds of the foundation including savings, marketable securities and immovable estates became approximately 4.9billion yen as of March, 2024. Since its creation 37years ago, the foundation has granted a total cost of 1.2 billion yen for 1,670 projects.
One of the directors has said, “The fundamental aim of life sciences is ensuring the health of humans and the Earth. It should be our common sense. We hope that unspectacular but steady support of the foundation will develop into the establishment of the common sense from Hokkaido to the rest of Japan and then to the world and contribute to the health of our planet.”
We created the foundation with considerable feeling for the region of “Hokkaido” and “Life sciences: Life”. Hokkaido is a place of life with unique soil, geography, water system, climate, animals, and plants. Our mission is to develop human resources who are closely linked to “place of life”, and these are the highest value.
We are living in a time after 3.11 East Japan Great Earthquake and Tsunami. Coming up against not only the Tohoku region, and the reality that has a significant impact on Japan and the world in the future, I think that it is necessary to work towards the creation of a sustainable society. Hokkaido, which can enable the conservation of biodiversity, has the potential to be able to achieve 100% renewable energy.
I am convinced that the 21st century is the time of Hokkaido. We would like to work with all of you for various projects to giving “Life” based on our past experiences.

Profile of the foundation

Established in January 8, 1987 as foundation
Registered as Public Interest Incorporated Foundation at December 1, 2009
Chairperson Director  Koji Akiyama
Founder The late Kiyo Akiyama
Main Activities
Medal of Honor
Akiyama Life Science Foundation Award
Akiyama Kiyo Award
Nitobe – Nambara award
Promotion Services
Research Grant ― General Grant, Next Generation Fostering Grant ―
Support for networking projects

Board of Council


Koji AkiyamaCEO of Akiyama Real Estate Ltd.
Hajime AkiyamaCEO of TRY-ERR Inc.
Reiko IshimotoCreative director of PURAU
Hiroshi UedaEmeritus Professor of Hokkaido University
Syuji KoisoFormer President of Kushiro Public University of Economics
Noriyuki SatoEmeritus Professor of Sapporo Medical University
Yoshihiro SatoProfessor of Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science, Hokkaido University
Yasuhiro Watanabe Emeritus Professor of Hokkaido University of Science


Masayoshi JinSales Manager of Comrade-Facilities, inc.
Noriaki NakamuraRepresentative Attorney of Nakamura Noriaki Law Office
Yasumichi NakamuraCEO of KITAMAE Tax Co


Hikaru AkiyamaDirector of Akiyama Real Estate Ltd.
Tomohiko IkegamiCEO of Ikegami Consulting Co., Ltd.
Mutsumi InabaProfessor of Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University
Ayaki InouePresident of Akiyama Real Estate Ltd.
Takao OjimaEmeritus Professor of Hokkaido University
Kiyoaki KuriharaPresident of Tsubame Welfare Organization
Junka SakamotoRepresentative of NPO Hokkaido Eco Village Promotion Project
Kiyoshi SumitaCEO of Office Bee Co., Ltd.
Akinori TakaokaProfessor of Institute for Genetic Medicine, Hokkaido University
Yuko YuasaFormer Leader of ‘Slow foods friend of Hokkaido’

Medal of Honor

◇Akiyama Life Science Foundation Award

The Akiyama Life Science Foundation Award was established in 1991 to award those working on progress and development of life science in Hokkaido over the years. Candidates are researchers who belong to research institutes in Hokkaido. A diploma and prize are given to the winner.

Award Winners

Distinguished Prof. Hideyoshi Harashima
Laboratory of Innovative Nanomedicine, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University
Awarded Research“Innovative System for Delivering Nucleic Acids / Genes Based on Controlled Intracellular Trafficking as well as Controlled Biodistribution for Nanomedicines”

Prof. Masahiko Watanabe
Hokkaido University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Division of Anatomy and Embryology
Awarded Research“Molecular-anatomical basis for synaptic circuit development by glutamatergic signaling system”

Prof. Toshihiko Torigoe
Department of Pathology 1, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
Awarded Research“Elucidation of the mechanism of human immune responses to cancer and application to cancer immunotherapy”

Prof. Tadashi Matsuda
Department of Immunology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University
Awarded Research“Study on mechanisms of cytokine signal transduction to regulate immune disorders”

Prof. Hiroki Shirato
Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Engineering
Director, Global Center for Biomedical Science and Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Hokkaido University,
Awarded Research“Innovation, clinical research, international standardization in cancer radiotherapy, and development of the graduate school of biomedical science and engineering”

Prof. Atsushi Yokota
Hokkaido University, Research Faculty of Agriculture, Division of Fundamental AgriScience Research, Research Group of Bioscience and Chemistry, Laboratory of Microbial Physiology
Awarded Research“Microbial physiological studies on the role of bile acid in the regulation of gut microbiota composition”

Prof. Toshiharu Suzuki
Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Laboratory of Neuroscience
Awarded Research“Research and development for pathogenesis, biochemical diagnosis and innovative treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.”

Prof. Ayumi Tanaka
Hokkaido University, Institute of Low Temperature Science, Environmental Biology Division, Plant Adaptation Biology Group
Awarded Research “A comprehensive study of chlorophyll metabolism”

Prof. Hiroshi Shimizu
Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology
Awarded Research“Developing a pathogenesis and novel treatment for intractable congenital skin diseases”

Kazuaki Shimamoto
President, Sapporo Medical University
Awarded Research“A comprehensive study of the epidemiology, basics and clinical research of hypertension and metabolic syndrome”

Isamu Wakana
Chief Curator, Marimo Laboratory, Lifelong Learning Division, Lake Akan Eco Museum Center
Awarded Research“What makes Marimo of Lake Akan round? – Revealing its ecological history through a thorough scientific approach”

◇Akiyama Kiyo Award

The Kiyo Akiyama Award was established to honor women who have made achievements in various fields and continue to seek further leaps and advances, inheriting the philosophy of the late founder Kiyo Akiyama, and contributing to increasing the momentum for the realization of social innovation by showing familiar role models in Hokkaido.
Those who have a connection to Hokkaido are eligible. A honourable certificate and prize are given to the winner.

◇Award Winners
Ms. Hiroe Imai (CEO of SHIRO Co., Ltd.)

Ms. Miki Takeuchi (Representative of Takeuchi Ranch)

◇Nitobe-Nambara Award

The Nitobe-Nambara award was founded to reward those who learned from the spirit of Inazo Nitobe and Shigeru Nambara, who strived for international peace and education. The award considers application to solve various problems of the modern world and working on the development of next generation. A diploma and prize are given to the winner.
*1 Inazo Nitobe (1862-1933) Second Alumni of Hokkaido University, agricultural economist, ethicist.
Author of Bushido: The Soul of Japan
*2 Shigeru Nambara (1889-1974) One of the high school students of Inazo Nitobe. A former president of Tokyo University, political scientist.

Award Winners

Mr. Shinji Kadoya (President, Morioka Christian School and Pastor, Morioka Senbokucho Church)
Mr. Minami Tsubouchi (Director/Secretary-General, Education Support Global Fund, a General Incorporated Foundation)
Mr. Otsu Mitsuo Director of friend school (Quaker school)
Mr. Masao Terasaki Honorary Professor of Tokyo University
Mr. Kakutaro Kitashiro Supreme Advisor of IBM Japan, Ltd, The former chairman of the Association of Corporate Executives, Chairman of International Christian University
Mr. Taichiro Mitani Honorary Professor of Tokyo University, Member of the Japan Academy, Junior counselor of the Imperial Household Agency

Promotion Services

◇Research Grant

a. General Grant

Applicants of all ages. Working on independent or joint researches.
1.2 million yen for each research theme will be awarded as research expenditures.


YearNumber of cases Amount
20241821.6 million yen
20232020.0 million yen
20221919.0 million yen
20211818.0 million yen
20201818.0 million yen
20191616.0 million yen
20181212.0 million yen
20171313.0 million yen
20161313.0 million yen
20151311.8 million yen
20141412.5 million yen
2013 1714.9 million yen

b. Next Generation Fostering Grant
Under 40 years at the time of application.
0.6 million yen for each research theme will be awarded as research expenditures.


Year Number of cases Amount
20241911.4 million yen
202317_8.5 million yen
202217_8.5 million yen
202118_9.0 million yen
202015_7.5 million yen
201919_9.5 million yen
201819_9.5 million yen
20172010.0 million yen
20162211.0 million yen
20152010.0 million yen
201418_9.0 million yen
2013 16_8.0 million yen
◇Support for networking projects

The theme of this program is “life science (life),” and it is open to projects and start-ups that “connect” people to solve social issues in various fields in Hokkaido. Each applicant is required to establish a “platform” formed by a diverse group of members and a cross-disciplinary “network”.

A. General Project
For projects and start-ups that aim to step up the quality of the activities and become self-sustaining. In principal, the grant is for 3 years period.


YearNumber of cases Amount
FY2024 to FY202611.0million yen
FY2023 to FY202543.2 million yen
FY2022 to FY202411.0 million yen
FY2021 to FY202322.0 million yen
FY2020 to FY202243.6 million yen
FY2019 to FY202133.0 million yen
FY2018 to FY202032.3 million yen
FY2017 to FY201933.0 million yen
FY2016 to FY201832.7 million yen
FY2015 to FY201722.0 million yen
FY2014 to FY201611.0 million yen
FY2013 to FY2015 11.0 million yen

B. Next Generation Fostering Project
For next-generation projects and start-ups, mainly by students and young adults. The project need to have a representative, a director, and a majority of “platform” members between the ages of 16 and 25 years old. The grant if for single year, or 2 or 3 years continuous period.


YearNumber of cases Amount
FY2024 to FY202610.5million yen
FY202410.5million yen
FY2019 to FY202110.5 million yen
FY2018 to FY202010.5 million yen
FY2015 to FY201720.8 million yen
FY2013 to FY2015 31.5 million yen


2-11-6-13 Miyanomori, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, 064-0952 Japan
Tel +81-11-612-3771
Fax +81-11-612-3380

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